Hello, World!

New blog, hurray! Working on the Knockout City frame breakdown at work reminded of just how much I miss long-form technical writing. (As well as how very rusty I am.)

This is a clean break from my old blog (free-tier Wordpress, adblocker highly recommended) for a few reasons. First: I dislike Wordpress in general; the editor is not very friendly to code. I don’t need a comment system, and do not want to deal with moderation. In addition, I want to shift focus a bit to include some more educational posts, rather than just ‘project reports’. There’s also the small matter of having included my deadname in my WP username.

So, new blog. Using Hugo on Github Pages, like pretty much everyone else at this point. Straighforward and kinda boring, which is exactly how it should be.

While there is no comment system on here, I’m always open to discussing things on Mastodon!

Meta things are boring. Onwards!